Role of Power

Unveil the Power Within and Explore Its Role in Peacemaking.

What does it mean to wield power? Is it about dominance and control, or can it be used to cultivate harmony and understanding? This “The Role of Power in Peacemaking” video series delves deep into these questions, offering a nuanced perspective on power dynamics and their impact on peacemaking efforts.

Throughout four insightful videos, you’ll embark on a journey to:

  • Differentiate between personal and social power, grasping the intricate connection between the two.
  • Understand the crucial distinction between “power to” and “power over,” discovering how they shape our individual and collective actions.
  • Explore the interplay of willingness and ability in fostering “power to,” unlocking its potential for positive change.
  • Navigate the world of formal and informal power dynamics, learning how they influence individual and group behavior.
  • Identify the four key elements of personal power that we can harness constructively.
  • Analyze Max Weber’s concept of legitimacy, questioning how power gains acceptance and authority.
  • Decipher French and Raven’s Bases of Power, understanding the various sources from which power stems.
  • Grasp the concept of Moral Power, recognizing its unique ability to influence through ethics and integrity.
  • Distinguish between symmetrical and asymmetrical power structures, examining their impact on peacemaking attempts.
  • Engage with the diverse views of C. Wright Mills, Steven Lukes, Stanley Deetz, and Machiavelli, confronting the “Dark Face of Power.”
  • Uncover five compelling reasons why abusing power undermines even the best intentions.
  • Embrace four guiding principles of a peacemaker’s approach to power, fostering collaboration and sustainable solutions.

Whether you’re a seasoned conflict mediator, a community leader, or simply someone seeking to understand the complexities of power, this series offers valuable insights and practical tools. Each video equips you with the knowledge and framework to leverage power responsibly and effectively, transforming it into a force for peace in your own sphere of influence.